
新基因帮助橡子藤壶适应无柄的生活方式,这一成果由厦门大学danqing feng、caihuan ke和yuan-ye zhang研究组合作取得。2024年4月23日出版的《自然-遗传学》杂志发表了这项成果。

在研究橡子藤壶(amphibalanus amphitrite)无柄生活的机制时,研究人员发现了一个新基因bcs-6,它参与幼体定居时的能量代谢,并通过获得启动子和顺式调节元件形成一个转座子。与软体动物不同,藤壶壳由几丁质和方解石交替组成,这需要另一个新基因bsf,它能产生丝状纤维,在水生环境中有效地结合几丁质并聚集方解石。




title: new genes helped acorn barnacles adapt to a sessile lifestyle

author: han, zhaofang, wang, zhixuan, rittschof, daniel, huang, zekun, chen, liying, hao, huanhuan, yao, shanshan, su, pei, huang, miaoqin, zhang, yuan-ye, ke, caihuan, feng, danqing

issue&volume: 2024-04-23

abstract: barnacles are the only sessile lineages among crustaceans, and their sessile life begins with the settlement of swimming larvae (cyprids) and the formation of protective shells. these processes are crucial for adaptation to a sessile lifestyle, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. while investigating these mechanisms in the acorn barnacle, amphibalanus amphitrite, we discovered a new gene, bcs-6, which is involved in the energy metabolism of cyprid settlement and originated from a transposon by acquiring the promoter and cis-regulatory element. unlike mollusks, the barnacle shell comprises alternate layers of chitin and calcite and requires another new gene, bsf, which generates silk-like fibers that efficiently bind chitin and aggregate calcite in the aquatic environment. our findings highlight the importance of exploring new genes in unique adaptative scenarios, and the results will provide important insights into gene origin and material development.

doi: 10.1038/s41588-024-01733-7


来源:科学网  小柯机器人
