近日,巴西里约热内卢联邦大学的franois impens与法国图卢兹大学的david guéry-odelin合作并取得一项新进展。经过不懈努力,他们实现量子耗散的多色floquet工程化。相关研究成果已于2024年6月25日在国际知名学术期刊《物理评论a》上发表。
title: multichromatic floquet engineering of quantum dissipation
author: franois impens, david guéry-odelin
issue&volume: 2024/06/25
abstract: the monochromatic driving of a quantum system is a successful technique in quantum simulations, well captured by an effective hamiltonian approach, and with applications in artificial gauge fields and topological engineering. here, we investigate multichromatic floquet driving for quantum simulation. within a well-defined range of parameters, we show that the time coarse-grained dynamics of such a driven closed quantum system is encapsulated in an effective master equation for the time-averaged density matrix, that evolves under the action of an effective hamiltonian and tunable lindblad-type dissipation or quantum gain terms. as an application, we emulate the dissipation induced by phase noise and incoherent emission or absorption processes in the bichromatic driving of a two-level system, and reproduce the phase decoherence in a harmonic oscillator model.
doi: 10.1103/physreva.109.062618
来源:科学网 小柯机器人