
德国马克斯-普朗克研究所tobias ritter团队报道了硝酸还原使芳基重氮化学更安全。相关研究成果发表在2024年4月26日出版的《科学》。




title: nitrate reduction enables safer aryldiazonium chemistry

author: javier mateos, tim schulte, deepak behera, markus leutzsch, ahmet altun, takuma sato, felix waldbach, alexander schnegg, frank neese, tobias ritter

issue&volume: 2024-04-26

abstract: aryldiazonium salts remain a staple in organic synthesis and are still prepared largely in accord with the protocol developed in the 19th century. because of the favorable reactivity that often cannot be achieved with other aryl(pseudo)halides, diazonium chemistry continues to grow. facile extrusion of dinitrogen contributes to the desired reactivity but is also reason for safety concerns. explosions have occurred since the discovery of these reagents and still result in accidents. in this study, we report a diazonium chemistry paradigm shift based on nitrate reduction using thiosulfate or dihalocuprates as electron donors that avoids diazonium accumulation. because nitrate reduction is rate-limiting, aryldiazoniums are produced as fleeting intermediates, which results in a safer and often more efficient deaminative halogenation in a single step from anilines.

doi: adn7006


